When we were visiting the library, I discovered the first book in this series and brought it home to read to my 4 and 2 year olds. They were immediately entranced with the book. When I read to my kids, I like to read with a lot of expression and do all the voices. They love it. We eventually had to return it to the library, but then I found Little Quack's Bedtime and Little Quack's New Friend at our next library visit. They were as much in love with those as the first one although I think the first one is their favorite. Even their older brothers who are in more advanced reading enjoyed these stories. I believe my boys identify with them and that's why they love it so much. There is Mama Duck and her five little ducklings- Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle, and Little Quack. The illustrations are absolutely adorable and the boys just love to get in bed with the book, look at the pictures, and talk about the story. The artist really captured the look of love on Mama Duck's face and the uncertainty and fear on Little Quack's. Last night, I decided to go to the book store to get a new book. I discovered Little Quack's Hide and Seek. I decided to buy it since I knew they would love it to death. When I brought it home, they immediately abandoned their TV vigilance and ran to sit on my lap. Absolutely amazing! They acted like I had candy for them. They both fought over who would sit on my lap until I grabbed them both and put them on my lap together. Even Caleb and Nathanael sat beside me to listen and look at this newest book. They sat there totally engrossed throughout the story. When I finished with it, they fought over it like rabid dogs. They both wanted to hold it and look at the pictures. I realized then that I should have gotten another one from the series so that they each would have their own book to hold. Another lesson in sharing didn't go over well, either. After much screaming and crying, I finally wrestled them to bed. Somehow Justin ended up duping his little brother and sleeping with it. I'm looking on the bright side. It's a book.
So says a reader, writer, and poet. :P