Being a homeschool mom has its challenges.
Don't get me wrong. I love to homeschool my boys and they are thriving.
It's just that things can get a little hairy if I don't stay organized.
More often than not, Bashful and Grumpy are looking for something that they need for a particular subject and I have to say....it drives me crazy!
There was really no place to put all of the pencils, erasers, scissors, crayons, paper, math cubes.....arrgh!
I could go on and on.
I realized early on that there had to be an intervention. I needed a place for all of the school supplies, but I couldn't come up with anything.
When my mother came to visit, she took me to Target and got this really cool toy organizer.

Of course, she meant it for toys, but recently I came to the breaking point. I needed something to organize all of our school stuff or the tick in my eye was going to get worse.
So, I took the whole thing and set it on top of our arts and crafts table and proceeded to put scissors in one bin, crayons in another bin, pencils in another, etc. until everything had a place.
I was happy as a lark.
Now, since Happy is too short to reach anything important, I have been relieved from much stress.
I've even stopped drooling.
For more WFMW, go to Don't Try This At Home.
Thanks for sharing! Have a good week!
My kids always know where to go if they run out of anything. I check the inventory at least twice a year to ensure that I haven't run out of anything, and I really stock up in July when Walmart and Office Depot have their sales on.