I'm usually the one going over to Rocks In My Dryer to get as many tips as I can cram into my brain, but today I actually have one that many of you probably already know about. Since I didn't know about this particular tip, I thought I'd share for the fun of it. A couple weeks ago, I realized that there HAS to be a way to get our grocery bill down to a reasonable amount. We have five little ones at home, but they don't even eat that much and are even downright picky at times. I had been trying to save money at the grocery store as well as I knew how, but I knew there had to be something that I could do even more. So, I looked up on the internet for some frugal recipes that didn't taste like cardboard and hit the jackpot. I called my oh-so-wise mother telling her about my find. My mother raised four children on a budget, so she is full of great ideas on how to save money. So, she told me about this particular tip that I'm going to share with the world. She told me to bypass the produce section in the wintertime. WHAT? What about my grapes or clementines? What about my potatoes? What about my TOMATOES? I can't live without my tomatoes! I have to have tomatoes on my tacos! Then she told me to use canned tomatoes. She said to drain a can of diced tomatoes really well and serve them up with my tacos. I thought, "I could do that." Besides, I'm the only one in my family who likes them anyway. I could also find canned fruit and be perfectly happy with that. Potatoes? Use the boxed potato flakes and make them your own way to be perfectly yummy. I went to the store with my list in hand and went to work. When I got to the cash register, I stood there with bated breath to see how I did. The woman behind the counter probably thought I was a little batty when I smiled with glee and did a jig when she told me how much I owed. I still had to buy milk (I CANNOT go without that), but I saved a bundle. I don't know why I didn't think to just pass the produce section before, but it is a great way to save money. Thanks, Mom! For more awesome tips, go to Rocks In My Dryer.
thanks so much!