When my oldest turned 10 years old, I felt he needed his first big party with his school friends. So, he invited about ten kids and I got busy planning. I wanted to make it as easy on myself as possible, so I got a cupcake cake. Easy. Just pull apart a cupcake from the rest and voila! I also got fudge bars instead of bowls of ice cream. After he opened presents, we all piled into two cars and went to Mr. Biggs. I brought with me lots of water bottles in a small cooler and put names on them for the kids. It was a good thing because they became very thirsty. I also planned for a snack right before the last event before home. That helped tide them over for dinner when they got home. I think the kids had a great time and slept well that night. Nat will never forget his big day, and me, well, I had the time of my life because I made it easy on myself and everyone else.
Visit Rocks In My Dryer for more WFMW birthday tips.