What is your favorite kind of bread?
Any kind except the one with the nuts in it. Gag me with a spoon.
When was the last time you bought a new pillow?
I stole the two feather pillows that my sister had and refuse to give them back. Maybe the next pillow I buy will be for her.
Approximately how many hours per week do you spend surfing the 'net?
Too many. I surf while my son is doing his Language Arts papers in the morning. Like now.
Main Course
What's the highest you remember your temperature being?
Are you kidding? Moms aren't allowed to get sick.
Fill in the blanks: When I _____________, I __________.
When I watch movies, I like to eat.
If you would like to participate in this meme, visit www.arewethereyetmom.com. Have fun!
I want to thank you for the link,I just thought I'd let you know, the Friday's Feast hub is
www.fridaysfeast.com, and be sure to leave a comment there, so others can come dine with you!
Have a great Friday!