Spring is here and our family is soaking up the very unusual, beautiful weather we are having. The boys have been waiting for it to get warmer for so long that they are basking in it now. Nathanael would say, "I hate winter!" and, of course, we would agree. The boys have been outside every day since it got warm and it has been a joy to see them so happy. It seems like boys and the outdoors just go hand-in-hand. My youngest, Aidan, will get into the wagon or a lawn chair and just sit there reveling in the warmth and sunshine. I even got out my spring decorations and put them around the house. The fresh breezes coming from the open windows have aired out the winter staleness and the smell of poopy diapers nicely. I look out the back door and see Scout busily digging so hard that all I see is dirt flying in the air. Dang puppy. Leigh has been happily catching the balls that the boys have hit with their bats. Hubby has even sprayed bug spray all around the house, sweet man. I am looking forward to trips to the park and the zoo. I am happily anticipating swim days, yard sales, and berry picking. I was married in the spring, and two years later, my first baby was born also in the spring. It's no wonder I feel joy during this time of year.