I was speaking with a very nice woman from my church about canning peaches. This tip isn't about canning peaches, but that's where this conversation started.
I happen to love the idea of canning. I just don't know how to do it. One day, I keep telling myself. One day.
In the meantime, she gave me some tips on how to use the produce that I buy. Of course, freezing the fresh fruit was one of the tips and I confessed that I already knew about that little bit of heavenliness.
She wasn't finished.
She also told me that I could boil my fruit until it was soft and puree the goodness in my food processor or blender. Next, unroll some plastic wrap onto the counter and pour the pureed fruit onto the plastic wrap. Spread it all out and then let it dry.
Cut it into sections and roll them up. Voila! Homemade fruit roll-ups!
I have to tell ya'll. I was amazed.
For more WFMW tips, go to Rocks In My Dryer.