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Thunder Cake

When I was homeschooling Nathanael in second grade, we read a story together called Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. It is about a young girl's fear of thunderstorms and how her grandmother helps her learn not to be afraid of them. After the story was read, we went into the kitchen and followed the recipe for Thunder Cake at the end of the book. It is a delightful story and made an impression on my son probably because he loves to help me in the kitchen. Now, every time he hears thunder or knows it is going to rain that day he wants to read the story and make the cake. Just the other day, he mentioned it and he is now in 4th grade. Books can make a lasting impression on children and it makes it extra special when you make or eat something that the book talked about. Nat has always learned and remembered things better using all his senses. He sees the pictures, hears the words, uses touch and action to mix the ingredients, smells the delicious chocolate from the oven, and tastes the cake at the end all the while looking out the window at the falling rain. I want to make special moments with my children that will stay with them all their lives. Maybe someday he will do the same with his own children and talk about how he did this with his mom.

Thunder Cake recipe

Cream together, one at a time

1 cup shortening, 1 3/4 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 eggs, separated, (Blend yolks in. Beat whites until they are stiff, then fold in.), 1 cup cold water, 1/3 cup pureed tomatoes

Sift together

2 1/2 cups cake flour, 1/2 cup dry cocoa, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt

Mix dry mixture into creamy mixture.

Bake in two greased and floured 8 1/2-inch round pans at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Frost with chocolate butter frosting. Top with strawberries.


Anonymous said…

I remember reading Stone Soup with my mom. Then we made stone soup. She makes it now every year with her Pre-K class. She has each student bring in one ingredient....oh the memories.

I also remember our teacher in first grade teaching us one digit addition and subtraction with Goldfish. It was a great novelty since where we lived we couldn't buy them but her parents sent them to her for our math lessons.

I am starting to feel old thinking about these things!
Dee said…
The Goldfish idea is so cool! I'll do that with Justin. Stone soup is also a great book to make a memory with. I'll do that one, too.

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